Employer Onsite/Near site Health Clinics

Mission: Provide Employers an overview of the benefits and complexities of onsite / near site clinics.
Co-Chairs: Flip Steinour, Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit #13 / TBA
Last / Next Meeting: Nov 1, 2017 / Nov 30, 2017
  1. Charles Yarborough, CY Health Associates, LLC
  2. Bev Helkey, Employers Healthcare Coalition
  3. Josh Ayers, BDO
  4. Brian Flowerday, SETSEG
  5. Jessica Straub, SETSEG
  6. Barbara Fahmy
  7. Kathy Brady, CMB Health Inc.
Special Projects or
other efforts:
  • Developing White Paper - Legal and Financial Issues Associated with Onsite / Near site Clinics: Assign sections to team
  • Applied two live case studies to validate White Paper’s outline
  • Dr. Luke Nelligan (Indianapolis)
  • Carol Nelligan, President, Tx:Team
  • American College of Preventative Medicine (ACPM)
Events Under development


Check Previous Month Updates https://www.achrm.org/initiatives/